Wednesday, September 15, 2010

how fast is too fast

"Can you control your bike at 60 km/hr? 
hat if someone suddenly cut in or some animal
crosses the road?"

Dr. K quipped as I rushed to his clinic for emergency
first aid & a shot of painkiller for the bike accident
I had just been in!!Well,
that was already few months
away; but this one pertinent question still lingers on
my mind whenever i'm driving. Yelp it's true, the
more I thought of it, the more
I see the wisdom in
those words...

Anyone who have worked in a hazardous industries
like steel,oil,chemicals etc.
would've easily testified
how strictly we adhere to those safety standards
dictated and they were carried out without
any question; wherein safety is not a
matter of
choice, it is followed religiously which otherwise
the headcount would've
been much higher....

Safety tag lines like

"Be safe, your family needs you!!"
"Safety first!!"

"If it cannot be done safely, it need
not be done in unsafe way!!"

The keyword here is SAFETY , and when you take
care of yourself first, then only
you can take care
of your family. Some questions worth asking
yourself whenever
you are tempted to zoom past
other motorists, switching lanes as in your
action movies, the thrill of overtaking
others and watching them slowly disappear
you as you zoom past them ...
Well then is the appropriate time to think about

those tag lines once again.

Here are few scenarios :
1) be it 50 km/hr or 75 km/hr or more, will you
be able to control your bike/car
if suddenly
something unexpected happens. Not that i have
mellowed down, but
in hindsight it's worth
asking yourself this question every once in a

2) it's never worth it - once you have had
experienced being in an accident or
have seen a
number of accident victims, it's never worth the
risk considering
that searing pain and all the
time it takes for an accident wound to heal.

3) don't be in a hurry - i still remember the
day i got my first bike and someone
close to
me say "mang, don't be in a hurry". A bit funny
and sissy at that time
but as the years passed
on, i certainly see the wisdom in those words

So, for the sake of yourself, your soul, your
close circle of friends and family and even for
generations that you would brought forth...
hehe!!! It's always to be safe than sorry.

Nobody can determine how fast you should
go, you decide.



  1. a very insightful thoughts, like the quote which goes like " whats a hairstyle without a head"...

  2. I second with every word mang....with speed comes responsibilty, but with more speed comes reach a point where you overtake the body's and the machine's reaction time. Thats when it all a flash. Wish we all remember to be responsible drivers.

  3. @Thang Buhril, thanks & for stopping by

  4. @Debashish, tnks for stopping by, yelp the thrill that comes from driving too fast overrides all our senses and when we don't get too lucky, the end game is not a pretty sight to behold!!
